Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Rules of Engagement

This blog intends to help you prepare to read the Aeneid this coming year by giving you a forum to discuss all of its aspects, to ask questions, and to aid your research of the poem and its author online. Once school starts, most of the links found here will be moved to the appropriate school page. Since the school page allows a limited number of links, you may want to keep these postings around for future reference.

For these reasons, this is really our blog and I will try to incorporate much of what you ask into subsequent postings. I ask that you comment when it occurs to you, identifying yourself by your initials only at the end of your comments. Comment as frequently as you like, but when you do, try to include any questions you may have by Friday of each week so that I may have time to incorporate them into the next post. I will do my best to answer each question, but should I miss something, remind me in an e-mail.

Try to read one book of the Aeneid (there are twelve total) in English each week beginning now. I will post once a week, dealing with one or two books at a time. I will make additional posts as needed with links to online games, answers to your questions, and other items of Vergilian interests.

Rules of Engagement are simple;
1) Read each post.
2) Leave appropriate comments/Ask pertinent questions.
3) Have fun.

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